‘Twas nearly the holiday season, and all through Hollywood, many creatures are stirring — especially media and entertainment investment bankers who can’t sleep, as visions of year-end big ticket M&A dance in their heads. Specifically, will they (Disney) or won’t they sell? Bob Iger’s recent pronouncements that he will double theme park spending to about $60 billion in the next 10 years certainly runs counter to any notion that Apple would buy out the entire Magic Kingdom. But is it all just one giant head fake? Cunning CEOs frequently set the stage for a major fork in the road to tease out potential buyers to make their moves now, before those moves become much more expensive later on.
Why M&A Is on Everyone’s Radar Right Now | PRO Insight
Will Apple buy Disney? Elon Musk buy Fox? Leading execs, private equity and bankers join me to discuss it all at TheWrap’s annual TheGrill event Wednesday