Rachel Maddow Says Biden’s Farewell Warning of Looming Oligarchy ‘Put a Chill Down My Spine’ Because ‘He’s Correct’ | Video

“I’m glad he took this time to say it,” the MSNBC host says

Rachel Maddow MSNBC Biden Farewell Address
Rachel Maddow reacts to President Biden's farewell address. (Credit: MSNBC)

Rachel Maddow had anticipated that President Joe Biden’s farewell address may have been more somber, perhaps a “warning” of what’s to come in the years ahead.

But speaking on MSNBC with colleagues Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, Jen Psaki and Alex Wagner Wednesday evening to analyze the 20-minutes speech just as it wrapped, Maddow admitted that she “did not expect it to be this stark.”

Reacting to the president warning of a looming oligarchy and a “dangerous concentration of power” among America’s ultra-wealthy, the news host said while reading direct quotes from his address that Biden’s message “put a chill down my spine.”
