Report From Sundance
Chatting with the Cast of ‘Happythankyoumoreplease’
What a fun time hanging out with the cast of "Happythankyoumoreplease." I ran into them on the roof of the Creative Coalition’s Art and Soul Center. We discussed the perils of modern dating. For more on the film, see previous: Winning Romance: ‘Douchebag,’ and ‘Happythankyou’
Docs: ‘Catfish’ Gets Buzz, ‘Casino Jack’ Abramoff Exposed
Plenty of talk about documentary that follows a relationship hoax fed by Facebook
In Sundance Swag Suites: Morgan Spurlock and Free Belts
Sharon Waxman explores the Sundance freebie culture and encounters bewildered filmmakers
Party-time: Ben Affleck and Harvey Weinstein Dissect Indie Film
The post-screening chatter after “Company Men” premiere
Winning Romance: ‘Douchebag,’ and ‘Happythankyou’
Two charming films with no-name casts bring an of-the-moment flavor to modern relationships
Angsty Teen John Lennon Is, Well, Nowhere, Boy
Sam Taylor Wood’s account doesn’t muck the Beatles legend up, but it doesn’t take it anywhere new
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Sundance: John Wells Explores Corporate Downsizing
The writer-director drew on personal experience for this ensemble piece
‘Hesher’: More of that Self-Indulgent Sundance Curse
Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as a stringy-haired nihilist in a film that meanders
An App for Actors on the Go — Who’s Who, What’s Casting, and the All-Important Assistants
Looks cool, I’ve no idea if it works
A Powerful Opening Night for Sundance
“Restrepo,” like a real-life “Hurt Locker,” left the audience, including Michael Moore, stunned
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‘Inconvenient Truth’ Team’s Doc is First Sundance Pickup
Paramount acquires “Waiting for Superman,” a documentary about the public education crisis
Sundance’s New Direction: Microbudgets, YouTube and Goodbye Gala
Fest chief Cooper: “It was time to say, ‘Let’s re-evaluate everything we do’”
YouTube Tests Rental Service With Sundance
Three indies will be available before their Park City premieres; “The Cove” and “Children of Invention” also available